(Family):Eye large without lens (Ipnops), minute or sometimes vestigial (Bathymicrops). Scales present on cheeks, sides of head, body and base of caudal fin. Lateral line ends at base of mid-caudal rays. Photophore and adipose fin absent. (Genus):Top of head with scales. Eye minute with lens. Jaws, vomer and palatine with villiform teeth bands. A long gill raker on angle of arch, others are palte-like. (Species):Minute eye present and pigmented with lens covered with skin but not with scales. Pectoral rays 12 or 13, dorsal rays 12 or 13, anal rays 13 or 14, lateral-line scales 64 or 65. Body blackish brown, fins and branchiostegal membrane black.
This species in known from off Honduras, Strait of Florida and deeper water in the central Gulf of Mexico.
Meristic characters and eye covered with skin distinguish the present species from other fish of the genus. (Miyake and Aizawa)