大西洋から報告されている本科魚類は本種1種である。本標本では斑紋が明瞭であるが,幼魚,成魚を問わず,この斑紋を欠く場合がある(Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948)。 (上野・佐々木)
Distinctive characters:
First dorsal set far back of body, and its origin opposite pelvic origin. Second dorsal smaller than first dorsal. Second dorsal origin anterior to anal origin. Corners of fins broadly rounded. A long barbel on the anterior margin of each nostril reaches mouth. A deep groove connecting nostril and mouth. No fleshy lobe around side of head and on throat. Eye small, and a minute spiracle behind it. Teeth similar on jaws; large triangular central cusp flanked on either side by 2〜3 small lateral cusps. Belly shaded white, but small dark spots persistent.
Coastal waters of tropical and subtropical Atlantic. Eastern Pacific from the Gulf of California to Panama and Equador.
The present species is the only member of the family Orectolobidae in the Atlantic. Small dark spots may be present or absent having no relation to the growth stages (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948). (Uyeno and Sasaki)