
TL 558 mm
NSMT-P 40001

  Eptatretus sp.

Specimen examined:1 (TL 558 mm). Depth:820 m.

特 徴
分 布:
備 考:
 本種は外鰓孔の数でE. profundumに一致するが,色彩が一致しないので,ヌタウナギ属の一種とした。 (清水)
Distinctive characters
 (Family):Only caudal fin present. Snout with 2 barbels. Eye invisible externally. Nostril opens at snout tip. Gill openings 5 pairs, last one on left side larger than others. Not equidistance between openings. This genus only. (Species):Body cylindrical anteriorly, compressed posteriorly. Tongue with 2 tooth rows; outer row 9, anterior 3 fused basaly; inner row 8, anterior 2 fused basally. A canine tooth on dorsal midline on oral cavity. Mucous pores 17 on head, 49 on trunk, 17 on caudal region. Total length 3.9 of head length. Anus on posterior portion, head length 1.5 of caudal length. Head length 4.1 of length from last gill opening to origin of midventral fin fold. Body color pinkish orange with somewhat irregular faint orange blotches present.
 Off Suriname.
 It is identified as Eptatretus sp. The number of gill openings of the present specimen agrees with that of E. profundum, but the coloration differs markedly from it. (Shimizu)

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