Dorsal surface of carapace smooth, without carinae. Rostral plate triangular, with rather convex lateral borders, its tip ending in a sharp spine. Lateral process of sixth thoracic somite spiniform and directed only slightly backward; that of seventh somite much larger and tuberculiform in dorsal view, with a sharp apex; that of eighth somite triangular and directed laterally. Raptorial dactylus with 13-15 spines. Dorsal surface of abdomen only with intermediate carina, which ends in a spine each at fourth and fifth somites; posterior borders of third to fifth somites variously ornamented with spinules; a strong submedian carina on sixth somite, ending posteriorly in a spinule. Telson rounded and armed with four pairs of teeth, each of which is tipped with a movable spine; in addition to a median carina, a submedian carina radiating from base to outer second tooth.
Off east coast of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, Suriname and French Guiana in the West Atlantic, and off Maui Island in the Hawaiian Islands, 604-1,281 m deep.