In spite of its spiny appearance similar to the representatives of Lithodes, this species belongs to Neolithodes. In Lithodes the second abdominal segment is made up by three plates and the third to fifth segments are united by membraneous interspace bearing numberous calcareous nodules, while Neolithodes is characterized by having second abdominal segment with five plates and the distinct third to fifth segments. Carapace thickly covered with long spines of variable length; some spines on each areola and those on lateral and posterior borders of carapace much larger than others; armature is variable individually and developmentally, and in some larger speciments most of dorsal spines replaced by tubercles. Ambulatory legs slender, and armed with spines and spinules of variable length.
West Atlantic northward to off North Carolina, the East Atlantic off Azores, and Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean, 700-1,900 m deep. Exact distribution is not distinct.