スリナム沖からはG. aculeata A. Milne EdwardsおよびG. nobilis A. Milne Edwardsも知られている。
Diagnostic characters:
Rostrum almost as long as carapace, distal half curving obliquely upward; one spine at about proximal one-third of each lateral margin and also one spine at level of bottom of orbit. Dorsal surface of carapace with four longitudinal blunt carinae which are separated into anterior and posterior parts by cervical groove; lateral surface of carapace with two rows of blunt carinae which are cut into two parts by an oblique groove from base of rostrum. Three tubercles on dorsal surface of first abdominal segment, the median one of which is apparently sharp; pleurae of first segment unarmed, but other segments with long spines; dorsal posterior end of sixth segment ends in a sharp tubercle. Telson beyond tip of uropod and curved dorsally.
West Atlantic from the southern Caribbean Sea to Suriname, 365-1,050 m deep.
G. aculeata A. Milne Edwards and G. nobilis A. Milne Edwards are also recorded from off Suriname, but the specimens are not comprised in the present collections.