Carapace and abdomen robust and smooth without any grooves, having only a backward-directed spine at posterior median part of third abdominal segment. Both of antennal and anterolateral spines sharp. Rostrum attains almost twice as long as carapace, gently curving upward for its distal half; its upper margin with four or five equidistant spines and lower margin with about ten spines; basal crest of upper margin strong and fringed with about ten spines which are curved forward and not protruded from general contour of crest; a minute epigastric spine behind crest. Telson narrow and sharply pointed posteriorly, having two pairs of spinules on lateral part of dorsal surface; exopod of uropod with a subdistal deep emargination, thus being armed with a spine. First and second pereiopods chelate; merus and carpus of second pair multi-segmented.
West Atlantic from North Carolina to Brazil, without definite record in the West Indies, 7-45 m deep. Type-locality is the mouth of the Suriname River.