Carapace and abdomen strongly compressed, but no dorsal sharp carina; no spine except for small branchiostegal spine; an oblique ridge from posterior part of orbit to hepatic region, from where two long ridges originate, one to median part of posterior margin of carapace and one to lower part of posterior margin. Rostrum thin and triangular, directed obliquely upward, its tip falling short of anterior margin of carapace. First two pereiopods chelate as usual; each basis with a terminal spine on lower margin; merus of second pair with a spine at distal two-thirds of lower margin, and carpus with a spine at distal end of lower margin; palm of first pair thickened throughout its length, but that of second pair distinctly tapering; third pereiopod filiform, and fourth and fifth pereiopods greatly reduced as usual.
West Atlantic from off southeast Florida through the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to Suriname, 410-3,200 m deep.