Carapace and abdomen not hard; many wrinkle-like grooves on carapace, especially cervical, orbito-antennal, hepatic and branchio-cardiac grooves deep; also a narrow curved groove behind cercial groove distinct and faded near dorsal margin of carapace; branchiostegal spine and following carina to hepatic region. Rostrum triangular as a whole and directed forward, being armed with two spiniform teeth on its upper margin; tip of rostrum not reached to base of cornea. Eyestalk long, with a small tubercle on inner margin. A needle-like spine from median part of dorsal margin of fifth abdominal segment, overreaching posterior end of the segment; posterior half of fifth segment behind the needle and whole length of sixth segment strongly crested. Telson about half as long as uropod. Pleopods long.
Previously known from the West Atlantic from Canada through the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico to the Antilles, the East Atlantic from the Azores to Congo, the East Indian Ocean, and West and North Pacific, 600-5,770 m deep.